Khanqah e Darbaar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef
Kotli Sattiyaan, Rawalpindi Pakistan
Khanqah e Darbar e Aliya Balawara Shareef is the final resting place and Holy Shrine of Qibla Hazrat Subedar Musanjaf Ali Sarkar (R.E). A place of great peace, beauty and healing - it is currently under the active care of Qalander e Doraan Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E. Every week on Thursday and Sunday, thousands of devotees visit the Holy Shrine to pay their respects and gain physical and spiritual healing. Countless people, regardless of religion, caste or creed benefit from the prayers and Dum of Qalander e Doraan Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E.

Sufi-e-Basuffa, Qibla Pir Musanjaf Ali Sarkar R.E

Visitors and Devotees at Khanqah e Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef, Kotli Sattiyaan Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Sipah Salar e Aqeeda e Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E. at Khanqah e Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef.

Sipah Salar e Aqeeda e Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E. meeting with visitors and making Dua (supplication) for them, at Khanqah e Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef.
Khanqah e Darbar E Aaliyah Balawara Shareef – Iftar being served by Sipah Salar e Aqeeda e Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat Sahibzada Haq Khatteeb Hussain Ali.
About Iftar: Muslims observe Fasts during the Holy Month of Ramadan every year. This is a Fast that begins at pre-dawn and lasts till sunset. At sunset, Iftar i.e. the opening of the Fast is done with Dates (Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ) and some beverage, followed by the evening Salat / prayer (Maghreb) and dinner.
Visitors and Devotees at Khanqah e Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef, Kotli Sattiyaan Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Winter at Khanqah e Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef Kotli Sattiyaan, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Khanqah e Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef, Kotli Sattiyaan, District Rawalpindi Pakistan
Documentary on Khanqah e Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef, Kotli Sattiyaan, District Rawalpindi, Pakistan