URS Report
URS 2023
9,10,11 June, 2023
Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef, Kotli Sattiyaan Rawalpindi, Pakistan
The auspicious and much awaited 3-day celebration of the 19th annual Holy Urs of His Holiness Pir Subedar Musanjaf Ali Sarkar R.E. was observed with great religious zeal and fervor from 9th June 2023 to 11 June 2023 at Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef, Kotli Sattiyaan, Rawalpindi Pakistan.
The Holy Urs of Darbar e Aaliya Balawara Shareef / the Holy Shrine of Balawara Shareef is held under the supervision and authority of the Custodian of the Holy Shrine of Darbar e Aaliya Balawara Shareef, His Holiness Sahibazada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali M.E, the Founder and Sipah Salar of the International Movement for the Finality of Prophethood of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him. His Holiness, Qalanadar e Daouraan Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E has dedicated his life in the service of the Finality of Prophethood of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him. His Holiness has dedicated the past 3 decades of his life serving humanity, spiritually curing the ill and preaching love, peace, tolerance and harmony among all mankind both nationally and internationally.
Khadimeen / Servants of Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef travelled from across the globe to Kotli Sattiyaan to observe the Urs festival. Vast arrangements for the arrival, stay and langer (Soup Kitchen/free meals) were made for all devotees arriving for the Holy Urs.
The 3-day festivities started Friday evening with the first Mehfil-e-Naat (Nasheds of the Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him). The series of Mehfil-e-Naat, recitation of the Holy Quran, Durood o Salam on the Holy Prophet Peace be Upon Him continued throughout the day on Saturday. Sunday, the last day of the Holy Urs was marked with a Special Sermon by His Holiness Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar ME, followed by Dum and Dua of the Holy Urs.
Prominent Naat Khuwaan, Social and Political figures from across the country attending the Holy Urs celebrations.
Closing Sermon
On Sunday 11 June 2023, the historic and much awaited closing Sermon of the Holy Urs was given by His Holiness Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E. All year round, the devotees and Khadimeen of Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef wait for the Urs Sermon of His Holiness to revitalize their faith and understanding of Islam and the Finality of Prophethood of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him. In his address Sipah Salar e Aqeeda e Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat, Hazrat Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali M.E welcomed the attendees warmly of the Urs Mubarak. He reminded them of the core of a Muslim’s faith with Allama Iqbal’s famous verses;

Hazrat Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali M.E. further explained that his life’s mission is two-fold; on the one hand to serve the creation of Allah out of reverence of Allah SWT, while on the other hand to preach, raise awareness and uphold the Finality of Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him. His Holiness also warmly welcomed the Religious Scholars, Mashaikh e Uzzam, Naat Khuwaan, Social and Political figures who were in attendance and on stage to commemorate the Urs Mubarak, “Allah SWT sends people of honor to the places of people of honor”.
His Holiness went on to explain that some misguidance is spread regarding the abilities of Auliyah Allah by attributing towards them the verses of the Quran that were revealed for idol worshippers. But the Auliyah Allah are bestowed upon by Allah SWT Himself and there are countless examples from the past and present to evidence this. His Holiness then shared the example of Mr. Iftekhar, who was present near the stage in a wheelchair. He had been shot in the spinal cord (backbone) in 2001 which broke his spinal cord. There is no medical cure or treatment to reverse the damage for a broken spinal cord. However in 2014, Mr. Iftekhar visited His Holiness Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E. at Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef for the 7-dum treatment. On the 6th dum (insufflation) Mr. Iftekhar was still on a wheelchair and said to His Holiness that when I return to my home town 600km from here, everyone will say I returned from the place of Auliyah Allah in the same condition as I went there, they will mock me. His Holiness recalled his own thoughts of the time and said ‘I prayed to Allah to support those who are in the right and said to Mr. Iftekhar “I will not do dum on you today, today you will go directly into His Holiness Pir Subedar Musanjaf Ali Sarkar R.E. shrine on your wheelchair. If you are not standing when you come out, I will come with you as you return to your hometown”. So Mr. Iftekhar went inside the Srine, there were 20 or so Khadimeen present at that time who were witnesses to all this. When Mr. Iftekhar came out, he was walking on his 2-legs without the aid of any stick or wheelchair. Mr. Iftekhar again came to Darbar E Aaliyah Balwara Shareef at the Urs Mubarak of 2014. His Holiness Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E. ordered him to pay his respects to His Holiness Pir Subedar Musanjaf Ali Sarkar R.E. before he left Darbar Shareef. However, a man who accompanied him, misguided Mr. Iftekhar and urged him to leave early as he had already been cured. Mr. Iftekhar listened to that man and left for home, even though Badshah Sarkar sent Khadimeen to search for Mr. Iftikhar so he would not miss paying his respects. Mr. Iftikhar then reports that as soon as he reached home, he could no longer walk. He was back to his crippled state and additionally his son also became sick. Today, he is here at Urs Mubarak again, crying and asking for forgiveness. The point to narrating this story with the live person present is to highlight that the devil works in many disguises, he damages people and then he flees the scene. Today the man that misguided Mr. Iftekhar is nowhere to be found nor has he taken responsibility for his bad advice and its outcomes. Allah’s SWT’s System is merciful when a person has faith and respect for His Mercy and His Auliyah are a sign of His Mercy. But the same Allah SWT does not allow disrespect.’
His Holiness emphasized that his life, his interests, all of his focus and love is for the Holy Prophet Peace be upon him. His focus is not on how many devotees, murid he has has, rather on how many are serving the cause of the Tajdar e Madina Holy Prophet Hzarat Muhaddam Peace be upon him.
His Holiness further emphasized that Islam is a religion of love, peace and tolerance.
Sipah Salar e Aqqeda e Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat prayed for the the well being and betterment of all believers and those suffering anywhere in the world. He prayed for the safety and prosperity of Pakistan. He also prayed for the Khadimeen who had selflessly served the devotees attending the Urs for the past 3 days.
In the end, Badhsah Sarkar performed Dum and Dua (Insufflation & Supplication) for all present and everyone watching online via Facebook live and Youtube.
Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat ﷺ Zindabad!