Sultan-ul-Auliyah SYEDENA GHAUS-E-AZAM
Sheikh Mohiuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani Al-Hassani-wa-Al-Hussaini R.E.

Syedena Ghaus-e-Azam Shaikh Mohiuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani Al-Hassani-wa-Al-Hussaini R.E.
Early Life
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani رحمة الله عليه was a noted Hanbali scholar, Sufi Saint and the eponymous founder of the Qadiri Sufi order (silsila or Pathway). He was born on 11 Rabi’ al-Thani 470 AH (March 23, 1078) in the town of Na’if in Gilan, Iran, and passed on to his eternal abode on Monday, February 21, 1166 (11 Rabi’ al-Thani 561 AH), in Baghdad. His contribution and renown in the sciences of Sufism and Sharia was so immense that he became known as the spiritual pole of his time, al-Ghaus al Azam (the “Supreme Helper” or the “Mightiest Succor”). His writings were similar to those of al-Ghazali in that they dealt with both the fundamentals of Islam and the mystical experience of Sufism.
Syedina Ghaus-e-Azam was a great preacher, eminent educationist, a noble scholar and a distinguished doctor of Muslim law. He is known as supreme leader of al Walis. Wali is known as friend of Allah.
Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam Abdul Qadir Gilani RA is a “Najeeb-ut-Tarfayn” Syed, i.e. his father, Hazrat Abu Salih Musa Jangi Dost RA lineage traces back to Imam Hassan(A.S) and his mother, Sayyida Umm-ul-Khayr Amat-ul-Jabbar Fatimah RA lineage traces back to Imam Hassan(A.S). For this reason, Al-Hassani-wa-Al-Hussaini are also among his revered titles.
It was shown to me through Kashf (a dream that reveals a true situation) that the later part of the 5th century Hijri will witness the birth of a great saint and wali of Allah Almighty whose name will be Abdul Qadir and who will be praised as Muhiyuddin. His birthplace will be Gilan and resting place will be Baghdad and he will say, “My foot is on the neck of every wali”. Upon witnessing his greatness [through this Kashf], I surrendered my neck. – Hazrat Junayd Baghdadi RA
Date of Urs: Celebrated on 11th , Rabi-us-Sani / Rabi-us-Thani.
The Night of Mira’aj (Holy Prophet ﷺ Ascension to the Heavens)
On the night of the Mi’raaj (Ascension to the Heavens), the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ blessed foot rode on the neck of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (may Allah be pleased with him) and that mark was present on his neck when he was born.