SUFI-E-BASUFA Qibla Musanjaf Ali Sarkar R.E.
Baray Sarkar
Name: Hazrat Musanjaf Ali Sarkar(R.E)
Titles: Sufi-e-Basafa, Peer-e-Tariqat, Rahbar-e-Shariat, Mard-e-Qalander
Silsila: Qadri
Predecessor: Hazrat Meer Khan (R.E).
Date of Birth: 1932 AD
Date of Wisaal: September 17, 2003 AD
Date of Urs: Celebrated on third week of May
Resting at: Village Balawara Sharif, Tehsil Kotli Sattian, District Rawalpindi in Pakistan

Early Life
Sufi-e-Basafa, Peer-e-Tariqat, Rahbar-e-Shariat, Mard-e-Qalander Qibla Hazrat Subedar Musanjaf Ali Sarkar (R.E) was born approximately in 1932 in the village of Balawara Sharif, Tehsil Kotli Sattian, District Rawalpindi in Pakistan. The village Balawara Sharif is named after Qibla Hazrat Subedar Musanjaf Ali Sarkar’s (R.E) great-great grandfather Hazrat Balawal Khan (R.E) who was a renown elder of the tribal family ‘Jamial.’ His is respectfully and affectionately referred to as “Baray Sarkar (R.E)” by his devotees.
Qibla Hazrat Subedar Musanjaf Ali Sarkar (R.E) belonged to eminent Syed family and the family chain finally links to Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) through his grandmother.
Baray Sarkar was considered to be among the wise elders of society as well as a revered Saint of Allah SWT (Wali-ullah). People would travel from far to seek his guidance and request for supplications on their behalf. He would receive divine saintly guidance from Allah resulting in all of his predictions coming true. He was very an exceedingly generous and charitable person. While he owned majority of the land of his village Balawara Sharif, in his life he lent this land to the poor and needy people and never claimed it back.
Qibla Hazrat Subedar Sahib (R.E) was a born Saint (Walli-ullah). He was very different from his siblings and the other children of his age. He used to spend his time in solitude and isolation. He was very strict in offering his prays and other basic practices of Islam. He was very intelligent, spiritually motivated and perused his worldly as well as spiritual education with great zeal and zest. Such was his eagerness for knowledge and wisdom that by 1956 he completed three Masters Degrees from the University of Dhaka; Masters in Islamic Studies, Masters in Urdu and Masters in Persian (Farsi).
Qibla Hazrat Subedar Sahib’s (R.E) whole life remained a mysterious secret. He worked through his worldly as well as spiritual life in a remarkable and sophisticated fashion. He kept to himself and spiritually, no one could claim to know him fully. Once he said to his disciples:
‘My life and spiritual position would always remain a secret.’ – Qibla Hazrat Subedar Musanjaf Ali Sarkar (R.E)
His (R.E) own Pir Sahib Hazrat Sufi Saddiquee-Akbar (R.E) said about him:
‘I know everyone’s spiritual status but only Allah would know his spiritual elation (Darajats).’ – Pir Sahib Hazrat Sufi Saddiquee-Akbar (R.E) about Pir Sahib Hazrat Sufi Saddiquee-Akbar (R.E)
Parents and Grandparents
Baray Sarkar’s respected mother’s name was Hazrat Bibi Ameer-un-Nisa (R.U) and his respected father’s name was Hazrat Meer Khan (R.E). His honourable grandfather’s name was Hazrat Jaffar Ali (R.E). His honorable grandmother’s name was Syeda Hazrat Bibi Nawa (R.E). She was a very pious walliyah (Saint) and was very close to Allah SWT.
Once she woke at the post-midnight hour to offer Tahajjud Namaz in Ramzan-ul-Mubarak and was making wuzu at a small spring near her house (the spring is still running in the basement of Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Sharif). Suddenly she noticed that everything around her including the big tall trees have fallen in to a state of Prostration (Sajda) to Allah SWT. Very quickly she realized that it was the moment of ‘Acceptance of Dua’ in the night of Qadr (Shab-e-Qadr). She immediately spread her hands and prayed to Allah SWT to send a great Saint (Walli-ullah) in her family who would be incomparable to his contemporaries. Her prayer was answered through the arrival of Qibla Hazrat Subedar Sahib (R.E) in this world.
Another remarkable expression of Syeda Hazrat Bibi Nawa (R.E) piety and nearness to Allah SWT was her prior-knowledge about the timing of her passing from this world. With this knowledge, she decided to spend the last forty days of her life in isolation (Chillah) in Allah’s worship. She ordered her family not to let any male enter in her room during that time. As soon as she finished her 40th day in isolation, she passed away. She was so close to Allah SWT that He (J.J) had given her power to see the spirits/jinnat, she would often hit them with a stick when they use to steal eatables from home. Qibla Subedar Sahib (R.E) grandfather and grandmother passed from this world before his birth. His respected mother left this world when He (R.E) was only eight years old while his imminent father ascended to his Creator when Qibla Hazrat Subedar Sahib (R.E) was in his teens.
Spiritual Prowess
Historically ‘‘Musanjaf’’ is the name of the shield used by Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza (R.A), the fourth Caliph of Islam, the son-in-law of the Holy Prophet ﷺ , the father of Hazrat Imam Hassaan (R.A) and Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) who was known as Loin of Allah, The conqueror of the Jewish fort Khyber , The Chief Walli-ullah inaugurated by Prophet Mohammed ﷺ personally, the one and only Haider-e-Karar R.A. Some people use to pronounce this name as Musajjaf but historically Musanjaf is widely and commonly accepted name. When Allah SWT made the sainthood of Baray Sarkar (R.E) apparent to the public, he became famous by title of ‘‘Hazrat Qibla Subedar Sahib (R.E).’’ He took retirement from Pakistan Army at the rank of subedar-major. He achieved all the spiritual heights a saint can accomplish in his life. His spiritual flight was very high and he conquered all the spiritual pathways (Salooks) but abided by Naqshbandi, Qadri and Qalandri lines (Pathways).
He never liked these distinctions and honours to be a part of His (R.E) name due to his simplicity and humbleness. Hazrat Qibla Subedar Sahib’s (RE) peer e tariqat Hazrat Sufi Siddique-e-Akbar (R.E) whose real name was Hazrat Abdul Ghani (R.E) used to call Him ‘‘Sayein.’’ (Punjabi word used for a saint or a pious /virtuous person). After Qibla Hazrat Subedar Sahib’s (R.E) passed from this earthly life, his murids (disciples & devotees) referred to him as ‘‘ Baray Sarkar’’ and ‘‘Baba Gee.’’
Seclusion, worship and pondering the intricacies of faith were part of Baray Sarkar’s (R.E) journey as set out by Allah SWT. He had many friends but did not idle his time in the frivolous adventures others his age pursued, rather he use to spend that time in pursuit of spiritual learning and worship of Allah SWT. He used to wear neat and clean clothes right from childhood. He used to like white coloured clothes.
When Two Auliyah (Saints) Fought For His Bay’at (Oath of allegiance)
As it has been mentioned earlier that Qibla Hazrat Subedar Sahib’s (RE) father and mother were also very virtuous, their piety was a lasting influence in Baray Sarkar’s (R.E) life. In pursuit of spirituality both mother and father had their own Peers (Shaikhs) named as Hazrat Nishan Ali Shah (R.E) and Hazrat Sift Ali Shah (R.E) respectively. Both were distinguished Saints of their time. Qibla Hazrat Subedar Sahib’s parents once invited both their Pirs together at home. When they saw Qibla Hazrat Sebedar Sahib (R.E), they immediately predicted he is going to be the greatest Saint of his time. Both pirs requested Baray Sarkar’s parents to make Qibla Subedar Sahib (R.E) their murid (disciple). It is pertinent to remember that Hazrat Qibla Subedar Sahib RE was a toddler at the time all this was occurring and too young to have his say or opinion in this regard. His parents showed no objection but a disagreement started among the two Pirs. They could not decide among each other whose murid he is going to be. After a long discussion and arguments both finally agreed to a term of conduct to decide who is going to be Qibla Hazrat Subedar Sahib’s (R.E) peer.
Accordingly it was decided amonf them, that both would jump inside the Tanoor (fire place lit by wood and coal to cook food) and the person who would stay in the fire longer than the other would have the right to make Hazrat Qibla Subedar Sahib (R.E) his murid. His mother’s Pir won the challenge. It is pertinent to note that later on, when asked, Hazrat Qibla Subedar Sahib (RE) used to say that he is murid of Hazrat Piran-e-Pir Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.E). Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.E) directly guided him and bestowed upon him with the honour of Ilm ul La-dunnah with enormous generosity.
Pathways of Sainthood / Silsila-e-Wilayat
The present pathway of walliyat towards the north of Pakistan came from India. From Hazrat Nizam-ud-din Ouliya it was transferred to Hazrat Peer Qasim Moharve (R.E) to Hazrat Peer Nazir Moharve to Hazrat Peer Sufi Sidique-e-Akbar (Peer Abdul Ghani RE).
The honourable and generous Hazrat Peer Sufi Siddique-e-Akbar RE put this Crown of Walliyat over the head of Qibla Hazrat Subedar Musanjaf Ali (R.E) who finally passed on to his most pious, virtous and ambitious son Hazrat Sahabzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali (M.E) who is presently renown as ‘Qalander-e-Douran Haq Badshah Sarkar.’ His Holliness Qalander-e-Douran Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar (M.E) is the most eminent living spiritual Saint of today. His selfless and voluntary mission to alleviate the suffering of the poor, the distraught and the ailing people is very well known and deeply respected in religious, spiritual and the social circles both nationally and internationally. Many of the renowned saints of our present time regularly and frequently seek divine guidance and faiz from him.

Final Journey
His Holiness Qibla Hazrat Subedar Musanjaf Ali Sarkar (R.E) made his journey to meet with his beloved Creator Almighty Allah on 17th September 2004 at age of 74 on Tuesday. Mazar-e-Aqdas of Peer-e-Tarikat, Rehbare Shariat, Sufi e Basafa and Mard-e-Qalander, His Holiness Qibla Hazrat Subedar Musanjaf Ali Sarkar (R.E) is inside Darbar-e Aliya Balawara Sharif, Kotli Sattian, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef, Kotli Sattiyaan, District Rawalpindi Pakistan
Documentary on Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef, Kotli Sattiyaan, District Rawalpindi, Pakistan