Press Release
Monthly Giyarween Shareef
Dec 15, 2021
Aastana Aaliyah Kaller Saidaan
Giyarween Shareef Mehfil in honor of Hazrat Ghaus e Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani for the month of Jamadi-ul-Awwal / December was observed with full religious zeal and enthusiasm on Wednesday, 15 December 2021 at Aastana Aaliyah Kaller Saidaan. Sipah Salar e Aqeeda e Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat (Defender of the Crown of the Seal of Prophethood) Hazrat Qalandar e Douraan Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E. presided over the ceremonies.
Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef holds the distinction of regularly observing monthly Giyarween Shareef not just in Pakistan, but across the globe through the active participation of Khadimeen (Servant/ Devotees of the Darbar).
Naat e Rasool ﷺ
The Mehfil began with the name of Allah SWT and followed by moving tributes to the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ in the form of Naat e Rasool ﷺ (Nasheeds of the Holy Prophet ﷺ).
Sermon of Sipah Salar e Khatam e Nabuwat Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali M.E.
Sipah Salar e Khatam e Nabuwat Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali M.E. addressed the attendees towards the end of the ceremony. Badshah Sarkar highlighted that Giyarween Shareef and any other ceremony or aisal-e-sawab (Conveying rewards to the Deceased) is all done in the name of Allah SWT. All ibadaat (acts of worship) are begun with the name of Allah and performed in His name only.
Badshah Sarkar further highlighted the significance of Giyarween Shareef quoting history of the 10th and 11th dates of the lunar month; when Allah SWT accepted the Tauba (repentance) of Hazrat Adam A.S. it was the day of the 10th and night of the 11th, when Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. set out to make the sacrifice of his son Hazrat Ismael A.S. it was the day of the 10th and night of the 11th and finally when Hazrat Imam e Hussain R.A. sacrificed himself and his family in the cause of Allah it was the day of the 10th and night of the 11th. We observe the 11th night for sadqa and ibadaat because it is a night when Allah SWT is very merciful and accepting of all that is offered in His way.
Huzoor-e-Ghaus-e-Pak set this sunnah to observe the 11th night so that we may all make Dua, Ibadaat and extra supplications to Allah SWT which may be accepted just as the Ibadaat and Dua of the Prophets A.S and Imam e Hussain R.A. before us have been accepted.
Live Recording of Mehfil e Giyarween Shareef Aastana Aaliyah Kaller Saidaan Wednesday 15 Dec 2021
Two very significant and soul stirring miracles took place during the Giyarween Shareef;
- A little boy from Mianwali who had attended the previous Giyarween Shareef on a wheel chair and participated in the Giyarween Shareef Dua, arrived at yesterday’s Giyarween Shareef walking. All praises to Allah SWT.
- An Epilepsy patient who has attended the previous Giyarween Shareef suffering from seizures and participated in the Giyarween Shareef Dua, arrived at yesterday’s Giyarween Shareef and was overjoyed to report he was no longer suffering from Epilepsy (mirgi in Urdu).

Little boy who gained the ability to walk receives love and dua from Badshah Sarkar M.E.
The Powerlessness of Magicians
Qalandar e Douraan Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali M.E. shed light on the chaos people practicing black magic in society were creating. He urged the audience to keep their faith in Allah SWT and His Auliyah, just as the people of Lahore had done when Hazrat Data Ali Hajveri R.E. came to live there. Badshah Sarkar reminded everyone of how Hazrat Data Ali Hajveri R.E. observed that in Lahore there was a magician Raju who had done black magic on the whole city such that anyone who wouldn’t make offerings of milk to him, blood would run into the milk given by their cows and buffalos.
Hazrat Data Ali Hajveri R.E. demanded of Raju why he oppressed the people like this. Raju replied that it was because of the power he had. Hazrat Data Ali Hajveri R.E. told him to exhibit his power if he was so certain of it. Raju immediately lifted to the sky and began floating in the air above Hazrat Data Ali Hajveri R.E. To this, Hazrat Data Ali Hajveri R.E. did not respond by performing any Dum or Dua, even though he was a great Islamic Scholar. Rather, being the true Waliullah, he remarked ” an infidel is in the skies while the shoe of a faqir is on the ground, how is this?” As soon as Hazrat Data Ali Hajveri R.E. said this, his shoe flew into the air and began to beat Raju over the head, so much so that Raju fell to the ground.
Through this example, Sipah Salar e Khatam e Nabuwat Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali M.E. invigorated the audience with the courage that Imaan (Faith) mandates; to never fear any oppressor or magician as Allah SWT has given the shoes of His Auliyah power over evil’s very heads.
Dum, Salam e Aakhir and Dua
The ceremony concluded with Dum (Insufflation) for the attendees, followed by Salam e Aakhir and Dua (Supplication) for the attendees, the Muslim Ummah and Pakistan. The complete ceremony was broadcast live over Facebook and Youtube.