Press Release
International Finality of prophethood (S.A.W) Conference
Mar 11, 2022
Mini Stadium, Gujranwala
Friday 11 March 2022 bore witness to tens of thousands of people pouring into Mini Stadium Gujranawala in the Punjab province of Pakistan.
The occasion was the much awaited International Finality of Prophethood Conference to Glorify Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him as the Last Prophet and Messenger of Allah SWT. Sipah Salar e Aqeeda e Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E presided over the conference.
Prominent Na’at Khowaan and Muslim Scholars (Ulema e Din) took part in the conference to praise and preach the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him. The Ulema e Din praised Qalandar e Douraan Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali M.E. and Balawara Shareef for always placing the honor and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him above all else, and relentlessly instilling this love for the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him in young and old alike.
It is noteworthy that while the Aalmi Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat Conference gathers crowds of tens of thousands from all across the globe, the forum is never used for any political or commercial purposes. The Conferences are only used for Dum ( Islamic insufflation for healing), Dua (supplication) and commemorating the Finality of Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him.
Message of Balawara Shareef
In his keynote address, Sipah Salar e Aqeeda e Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah Sarkar M.E. emphasised that while the message of Darbar e Aaliyah Balawara Shareef is that of love and peace, there is absolutely no compromise on the honor or Finality of Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him.
5 umrah tickets were also raffled and announced for 5 lucky winners who were present at the Conference.
The conferences concluded with Hazrat Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali M.E. making a special Dua for the attendees, the safety and security of Pakistan, the exaltation of Islam and Pak Army.
The entire conference was broadcast live from the official Facebook page and Youtube Channel.
Media Report for the Aalmi Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat Conference (International Glorification of the Finality of Prophethood Conference Gujranwala held on 11 March 2022
Press Coverage
ARY news Coverage of the Aalmi Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat Conference (International Glorification of the Finality of Prophethood Conference Gujranwala held on 11 March 2022
PTV news Coverage of the Aalmi Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat Conference (International Glorification of the Finality of Prophethood Conference Gujranwala held on 11 March 2022